
Join multiple components into one that provides a virtual hand with minimum configuration and adapts to the scene configuration (i.e. If the scene uses physics, the components attached to the hand would be different).


  • attribute name: hand
    • type: string
    • oneOf: left, right
  • attribute name: colliderSelector
    • description: Selector of entities the user can interact with
    • type: string (valid CSS selector)


Attach this component to the entity that you want to become a hand (you don’t have to provide any kind of geometry for this) and make sure that you set the hand attribute to load the right model.

When the scene uses Ammo.js physics driver and the user makes the ‘pointing’ gesture, an invisible entity is created around the index finger, it has the class ‘.finger’ and the ammo-body component attached in order to fire collidestart and collideend event on every other physics body it touches.

Note that the attribute colliderSelector must be specified in order to be able to interact with other entities. This attribute impacts performance, so try to use a selector as specific as possible (like classes for example)

Also, this component is prepared to handle an entity with the component hand-menu on it, this was thought to provide a screen-like menu attached to the left hand and which shows and hides when the user presses the joystick of that same hand controller. It’s not mandatory to create this entity, as it’s availability is checked on runtime and the corresponding event handlers are only set if it is present.


The custom-hand component always attachs the components sphere-collider, hand-controls and super-hands. If the scene is using Ammo.js physics driver, it also attachs the components ammo-body and ammo-hand and registers handlers for the events ‘pointingstart’ and ‘pointingend’ (to create and destroy the index finger collider entity) and, in case the first child of the custom-hand entity has the component hand-menu, event handler for ‘thumbstickdown’ is registered.

Finally, a function that updates the sphere-collider component is set to be executed every half second, to make sure that the user can interact with the entities created on runtime and match the ‘colliderSelector’.

This flowchart sums up the states of this component:


This example shows two cubes and a sphere and only the cubes can be grabbed on VR due to the colliderSelector provided to the custom-hand component (play with it here)

  <a-scene physics="driver:ammo">
    <a-entity camera>
        <a-entity custom-hand="hand:left;colliderSelector:a-box"></a-entity>
        <a-entity custom-hand="hand:right;colliderSelector:a-box"></a-entity>